Sharing our latest...
5th Annual "Lift Each Other UP" Mentor Mingle and Panel Discussion (LNO)
Save the date 11/19 "Lift Each Other UP"
9/30 'Me Time' Telecon
10/9 Women-owned, Small Business and Non-profits Industries
10/6 Exploring Manufacturing, Aerospace & Engineering Industries
Christine Fitzgerald joins UP's Return Women to Work Week!
New dates - Oct. 5-9 Return-to-work Week
UP's Virtual Mock Interview Experience
UP'S 5th Anniversary!! Virtual Mentor Mingle (LNO)
Learnings from Lift UP Event
4th Annual "Lift Each Other UP" Event
VOTE for Untapped Potential for Best Venture!
Professional Mom's Meet-up
Who needs social media in a job search? You do!
Upward Hartford Hosts UP!
MOM Field Trip!
Pivot to an ‘in-demand’ fields, try Cyber Security
Lift Each Other UP! Mentor Mingle and Panel Discussion (LNO)
Client/Candidate Speed Interview Event
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