Sharing our latest...
Our Signature Event where business meets top female talent ready-to-return to work!
2/6 FREE Coach Feedback In 1:1 Interviews
12/10 The Art of Coming Back...
10/25 skillUP Presentation and Tour: Learn about 3D Printing and other Maker Resources
skillUP Presentation and Tour: Learn about 3D Printing and other Maker Resources
Intro to Data Science
skillUP Presentation and Tour: Learn about 3D Printing and other Maker Resources
UP Candidates Getting ‘out of the box’!
So proud of the Talent Gathered at Agile Enterprise Seminar!
skillUP in Cyber Security! A growth field...
skillUP Seminar: Returning Women to an Agile Enterprise
skillUP Presentation and Tour: Learn about 3D Printing and other Maker Resources
What is all this ‘Agile’ about... Webinars
Save the Date!! "Returning Women to an Agile Enterprise"
skillUP Seminar: Agile / Scrum Management
Develop a Market Attack Plan 4U!
IT Support Certificate
skillUP in Digital Marketing...
Experience High Tech for Manufacturing
Advanced Tech Tour featuring "Women In Manufacturing” / Meet Industry Professional Leaders
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