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11/15 Meet like minded women LIVE @ UP’s next coffee!
11/20 UP's Tuesday Telecon is ‘on’ ...
Lift Each Other UP! Mentor Mingle and Panel Discussion (LNO)
Lift UP Panelist: Hilary Pohley, ‘dipping her toes back in'...
Lift UP Panelist…Shona Kidd, Launched Flexreturner
UP Panelist…Sara R., recent returner...
11/7 Evening "Me Time" Telecon
11/15 Meet like minded women LIVE @ UP’s next coffee!
Lift UP Panelist: Amy Parchen, ‘been there’...
Cover of the Courant!
10/31 How to Maximize LinkedIn
UP - front page news!
11/8 Lift Each Other UP! Mentor Mingle and Panel Discussion (LNO)
10/25 skillUP Presentation and Tour: Learn about 3D Printing and other Maker Resources
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