Sharing our latest...
skillUP Seminar: Returning Women to an Agile Enterprise
skillUP Presentation and Tour: Learn about 3D Printing and other Maker Resources
skillUP / Prepare for your Flexreturn
"Making Her Story" - Glean Successful Career Insights and Lessons Learned
New Pledging Partner!
What is all this ‘Agile’ about... Webinars
Coffee @ Cosi’s was a hit!
Getting Back-to-Work Fashioned-UP!
Save the Date!! "Returning Women to an Agile Enterprise"
skillUP Seminar: Agile / Scrum Management
Join UP for Coffee at Cosi!
Women Are Clearing A New Path for Clean Energy
Women in Transitions: Featured Panel Speaker
UP Candidate Launched!
A Fresh Perspective on UP's Client-Candidate Speed Interview
Develop a Market Attack Plan 4U!
Intro to Data Science
Tap into Your Potential and Take Command of Your Next Chapter
Data Analytics for Marketers!
Catch UP on our Tuesday Telecon
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