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12/10 Virtual Coffee | Fairfield County UP Community

Virtual meeting to network and share strategies for returning to paid work.

Connect and grow with your fellow Fairfield UP Community network!

Join Deirdre Childs for this opportunity to focus on your professional goals. Let UP help you navigate and strategize your return to paid work.

Join us if any of these questions have crossed your mind:

  • Where do I start in my return-to-work journey?

  • How can I grow my network while being a primary caregiver?

  • How much flexibility will I need to balance family and professional fulfillment?

  • What if my kids are still learning from home?

  • What tech do I need to know about for the current office environment?

UP coffees are warm, welcoming spaces to gain support and confidence as you formulate your plan.

Bring a friend!

Date: Thursday, December 10th

Time: 10am - 11am, EST

Venue: Zoom

Cost: Free

VR Headsets

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