This event has passed, but you can listen to a recording of the dynamic Panel discussion Jean Mix moderated on Women's Business Success--Overcoming Challenges in a Management Role by clicking here.
Join the UP Community at a Women’s Conference co-sponsored with the Community Economic Development Fund - CEDF.
The Women-focused Event for Business Success titled "Overcoming Challenges in a Management Role” bringst together women from all angles including small business, those in management roles and professional returners!
Founder, Candace Freedenberg will deliver the key note address sharing "One journey overcoming challenges in a boot-strapped, start-up small business."
A Terrific Panel is planned moderated by Jean Mix of Mix Educational Services, LLC !
Dawn Reshen-Doty, CEO, Benay Enterprises, Inc.
Carol Kardas, Founding Partner, Kardas Larson HR Consulting
Devon Scanlon, Owner Operator, Chick-Fil-A, Brookfield, CT
Sharon Castelli, CEO, Chrysalis Center Inc.
Connect with other women in management roles, as well as gain exposure to other companies at the networking lunch. Flexreturners will be in attendence to share their return-to-work experiences.
Wednesday, June 12th, 2019
10am - 2pm
255 Homestead Ave, Hartford, CT 06112
$25 Fee, Lunch included.
Learn more at cedf.com/womenssuccess reference UP upon registering.