Stay-At-Home Moms, join UP to discuss your return-to-work…
UP’s coffee meetup introduces you to other Moms seeking re-entry to work, reconnect to the business community, grow your network, learn about the support the UP Community provides and interact with mentors.
Our Talent Development Expert, Jean Mix of Mix Educational Services, will lead the session focused on Interview Techniques to get you back in the game.
You’ll have an opportunity to learn about our Flexreturn Engagements and hear from those who participated in the Flexreturn Program.
Mentors will be on hand to hear your skills and share what businesses today look for in a Candidate.
This is a great opportunity for Untapped Potential Team to get to know you better so we can better seek sources of engagement. This helps us best represent you to Clients.
Those working on UP’s Returner’s Challenge can work with a peer on specific activities!
Lots to do!

Thursday, August 22, 2019
10 - 11:30
Berkins Blend
Glastonbury, CT