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Listen Live! UP on iHeart Radio

So great to interview with Renee Dinino of iHeart Radio - albeit virtually! I shared UP's 5th Annual 'Lift Each Other UP' Event next Thursday, November 19th.

Renee asked about the impact to women during COVID-19 and how flexible solutions are in demand. Women in the workforce Untapped Potential's returning talent can help businesses supplement their incumbent workers stretched thin during this period.

We discussed the value women in industry serving as Mentors to help navigate back-to-work. Those in industry willing to share their 'insider's information' help a great deal.

If you are a stay-at-home mom, attending UP's Event is a great way to put your 'professional hat' on and benefit from Untapped Potential's Mentors!

Thursday, November 19th

7pm - 8:30pm


VR Headsets

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