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Meet our Speaker | Tariq Meyers

We are excited to host Tariq Meyers as our Keynote Speaker to Return-to-Work Week for Women!

Untapped Potential Inc. is hosting our 13th Bi-Annual Event focused on returning educated-experienced women back to their caliber following caregiving.

Tariq is our Featured Speaker to Kick-off the Week of Opportunity. He is an entrepreneur and advocate for civil rights and social justice. Through his career, Tariq has helped build safe spaces for self and agency and has empowered people to gain equitable access to economic growth. Tariq held leadership roles in Diversity at Lyft, Blockchain Association and Coinbase prior to his rapid career progression from VP of Strategy/Head of Talent to Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Untapped, offering an all-in-one recruiting platform that helps companies recruit diverse teams with confidence.

We are so fortunate to have his voice at our Event. Tariq will share his perspective on the benefit of #diversity and #inclusion, how his entity is making opportunity more equitable for all, and why amplifying women-returners with Untapped Potential complements their overall objective.

The virtual event invites forward-thinking leaders from growth industries to share:

✅Drivers impacting their industry's growth

✅In-demand skills

✅Path to gender equality

By engaging live with returning talent, the event offers a critical step to overcome the barriers #returners face through today’s applicant tracking systems.

The week-long event takes place 3/20-24 with a virtual session each day beginning at 10am. All are welcome to join us virtually for the kickoff on Day 1, and to participate as an industry member or talent seeking to return on one or more days that align with your interests/industry.

Focused industries include:

Mon - Kickoff with Tariq; followed by Healthcare, Pharma & BioTECH

Tues - Manufacturing, Aerospace & CleanTECH

Wed - Data Analytics, IT & Cyber as well as Digital Marketing

Thur - Banking, Insurance & FinTECH

Fri - Women-owned/Start-ups, Small Business & Non-profits

Let us know if you want to be part of the solution!

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