Join us for a discussion on the all-important topic of Empowering Women for Financial Freedom.
When deciding to opt-out or opt back in, finances play a part in your decision. This skillUP session will help you become more financially sound and aware of what women need to account for and plan.

Speakers Sherri Skov and Noelle Casey from CFS, Certified Financial Services, will take us through these important topics:
Matching money with your values and goals
Understanding your financial foundation
Checklist for your financial future
Ways to learn Tips & Tricks for planning
How small changes yield big results
Whether participating live or virtual you'll benefit from networking and growing your confidence in financial jargon while gaining insight on this important topic.
Tuesday, February 7th 11:30am-1:00pm
Join us in person:
Certified Financial Services
197 Scott Swamp Road
Farmington, CT 06032
(Bring a bag lunch)
Virtual via Zoom
Noelle Casey, Registered Representative of Park Avenue Securities LLC (PAS). Securities products offered through PAS, member FINRA, SIPC. Financial Representative of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America® (Guardian), New York, NY. PAS is a wholly owned subsidiary of Guardian. Certified Financial Services is not an affiliate or subsidiary of PAS or Guardian. AR Insurance License Number - 19548719, CA Insurance License Number - 4075079.
Sherri Skov, Financial Representative of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America® (Guardian), New York, NY. Certified Financial Services LLC is not an affiliate or subsidiary of Guardian.