Untapped Potential is excited to support the efforts of another women-founded organization in CT, Mother's Day Movement, by raising awareness of their 2022 Mother's Day Donation Campaign.

Mothers' Day Movement redirects Mother's Day gift giving so it honors not just one mother, but underserved mothers everywhere. Over $28 billion (yes with a B) is spent on Mothers' Day in the United States annually. The organization, made up of 5 women, advocates to shift a portion of Mother's Day gift-giving to a carefully selected charity each year in honor of the women they love.
Since 2011, the organization has raised over $850,000 in women's health, education, infant and maternal mortality, clean water, and human trafficking. This year, they selected Kenya Connect, an organization that helps children in rural Kenya get an education, have access to healthcare, and sanitation. They have been featured in The New York Times, NPR and Ms. Magazine.
For the price of a bouquet of flowers, you can honor your mother or loved one by empowering a girl in need. Kenya Connect and Mothers’ Day Movement are working together to have girls in rural Kenya stay in school and complete their education, resulting in better life outcomes and stopping the cycle of extreme maternal poverty. Sounds like a great way to take back Mother's Day for ALL Moms! If you can, consider donating.