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Untapped Potential on the Cover of HBJ!

Untapped Potential's Candace Freedenberg was featured as the cover article of a recent Hartford Business Journal issue. The article illuminates how the pandemic inordinately impacted working women and working mothers (to include women who are working as mothers). Author, Linda Keslar chose to investigate the issue through Photo credit: Steve Laschever

the lens of Untapped Potential, a social enterprise launched in 2015 which works to impact gender equity by advancing business and reigniting careers of those who opted-out of their professions for caregiving.

Although it is publicly recognized that the pandemic uprooted the lives of all families and workers globally, it is crucial to know how both the lives and the professional livelihoods of women became more vulnerable. McKinsey & Company estimates that, in the U.S., "female job loss rates due to COVID-19 are about 1.8 times higher than male job loss rates globally, at 5.7 percent versus 3.1 percent respectively." With the emergence of harsh economic effects brought by COVID-19, women were faced with threats toward their current occupations but also had to continue facing gender inequalities in other aspects of their life, such as professional advancements and entrepreneurship.

Those at Untapped Potential acknowledged these slights on women's professional advancements and have directed their energy toward giving women the stepping stone they need to feel confident to return to work. Amidst the pandemic, work abruptly relied on technology and flexible work environments, Untapped Potential leverages this opportunity to help guide women to the best-fitting role that may enable a stay-at-home Mom to re-engage earlier to the the workplace. Through our Trademark Flexreturn™ services, UP enables candidates or job seekers to find opportunity that can benefit both business and mom.

The Hartford Business Journal quotes, Candace Freedenberg, UP Founder, UP is "leveraging the candidate’s real experience and the client is opening the door, hosting the candidate in a role that they might not be a fit for today, but they believe and we believe that within a three-month period, [the job seeker] will be able to adapt to [and excel in] the role."

If mothers returning to work are expected to adapt, employers must be open and willing to do the same.

The article highlights tremendous matches from Untapped Potential's signature Client-Candidate Event that brings forward-thinking businesses together twice a year.

Nicole Kutz, MBA, an Engineer and Project Manager with experience developing new products in manufacturing and IT/insurance sectors, launched in a Flexreturn engagement at Aetna's IT Infrastructure Group. For Kutz, the Flexreturn engagement turned into a permanent, P/T technology lead position and eventually led to F/T Director Role "Director of Delivery Systems"at CVS Health.

Nicole had participated in Untapped Potential's skillUP Events such as pictured here at the CCAT Additive Manufacturing Tour in addition to Return-to-work Client/Candidate Interviews. She shared her experience at Untapped Potential's annual TECH 101 Seminar.

CVS Health benefited from her strong skills with an undergraduate degree from University of Virginia. She earned her MBA in Germany and brought a wealth of experience to her new role. She was the second participant in Untapped Potential's program with the company.

Nancy Miller, Senior Manager of Project Engineering at Triumph Group in West Hartford, CT, was featured in the HBJ article as well. A leader in STEM, she also brought on-board multiple Candidates leveraging Untapped Potential's Flexreturn® Services.

“The market is really tight for finding qualified candidates, and candidates that come from Untapped Potential are very skilled and capable,” said Miller, who has also served as a mentor there.

Marine Ranta, interviewed for the article, is a physicist who brings strong skills of research, programming and data science to her role as Engineering Aid in a Flexreturn Engagement at Triumph. She participated in Untapped Potential's work up sessions, return-to-work Events and recently spoke as a panelist at our Lift Each Other UP Event.

Untapped Potential not only attracts returners with technology skills but also those with experience in HR, Marketing, Finance, Leadership and more! Deborah Hopper, HR at Connecticut Wealth Management also shared her successful experience bringing on a Financial resource.

Forward-thinking Companies such as CVS Health, Triumph Group and Connecticut Wealth Management have measured our Candidates by their skills and experience and committed not to discount our Candidates due to caregiving. Untapped Potential looks forward to expanding our partnerships with more companies such as these.

Read more about Untapped Potential’s contribution to women’s advancement in business in Hartford Business Journal’s article.

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