Cindie C.
Graphic Design & Communications
Seasoned graphic design artist with broad communications experience ranging from for-profit companies in New York City to non-profits in the Farmington Valley, CT area.
Key Skills & Competencies
Attentive to detail; excellent listener; strong work ethic; eager to learn new skills; dedicated to meeting the needs of clients.
Professional Experience
Teacher of English as a Second Language (Madrid, Spain, c. 1 year); Web Designer and Graphics Production Specialist (Dmind Corp., NY, NY, c. 4 years); Assistant Director (Fitch-Febvrel Gallery, NY, NY, total of c. 10 years); Director of Communications (Hill-Stead Museum, Farmington, CT, c. 8 years); Freelance Print and Web Design and Communications (various clients, c. 8 years, including currently).
Community Experience
Participated in two archaeological excavations (England and France); Geriatric Unit volunteer at former Meriden-Wallingford Hospital; Help & Crisis Line volunteer (Madrid, Spain); Literacy Volunteers (CT); Home Outreach Ministry for the Elderly volunteer (CT); Roaring Brook Nature Center volunteer (CT); Board member of Farmington Valley Visitors Association (CT); communications and graphic design for Historic Sites of CT's Farmington Valley.
Master of Arts, Columbia University; Ford Foundation Fellow, Wesleyan University; Bachelor of Arts, Phi Beta Kappa, Wesleyan Universty.
Other Experience/Awards/Publications
Scholastic Art Award; New England Museum Association Publications Competition, Third Place (for two years in a row).