Angela F
Program Development | Project Management | Community Partnership | Health Equity Architect
Nonprofit Program Manager with strong experience in education, health equity program development, and impact. Builds strong community relationships with nonprofits, businesses, and influencers to ensure solutions and success are driven by the communities served. Uses diverse strategies to reach high SVI, BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and other under resourced communities. Created a model for mobile clinics serving a highly vaccine hesitant population that was so successful, it was adopted by the Connecticut Department of Public Health.
Key Skills & Competencies
High Impact Community Outreach • Harm Reduction Principles • Research Processes & Data Analysis
Relationship Building • Cross-Functional Leadership • Instructional Programming • Staff Development Project Management • Problem Solving/Strategic Planning • Powerful Communication
Professional Experience
Regional Coordinator
State of Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH), Office of Health Equity - Hartford, CT | 1 year
Created evidence based, culturally specific, community-based health equity strategies to address health disparities in 41 Connecticut towns through the COVID 19 vaccination program by increasing resident access and creating mechanisms for community, local health departments and business collaborations with special focus on socially vulnerable communities.
Leveraged relationships among grassroots organizations, community influencers, Community Action Agencies (CAAs), Faith-Based Organizations (FBOs), and local businesses to create partnerships through daily mobile vaccine clinics in socially vulnerable communities across the state.
• Created partnerships and built strong relationships that kept Community Based Organizations (CBOs), community influencers, CAAs, and local businesses engaged and invested in the program’s success and sustainability.
• Executed Agile approach using experience-based knowledge, adaptive leadership, and consistent feedback to create and manage customized successful daily clinics throughout 41 cities and towns in Connecticut.
• Mitigated vaccine hesitancy rates in Hartford and New Britain, cities with the highest vaccine hesitancy rates in the state.
Selected accomplishments:
• Developed strategy and created model for coordinated vaccine clinics in 35 Hartford Public Schools (HPS) over a 5-day period engaging stakeholders from the local health department, HPS nursing and communications offices, PTO community members as well as DPH communications team, the Governor’s office and the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner of DPH, increasing district vaccination rates by 27%. This model became the template for all DPH school clinics across Connecticut.
• Created the first coordinated model for vaccine/wellness clinics in all New Britain Housing Authority properties engaging local businesses, community leaders and the local health department increasing New Britain’s vaccination rate by 7%.
• Created strategy for pediatric vaccination rollout in Hartford engaging Hartford health department, Active City athletic director and community coaches, Hartford Public School nursing staff and community influencers. Created both in school and public social media PSAs increasing pediatric vaccine rates in Hartford by 3%.
• Served as a bridge with community stakeholders to create successful, data driven
community engagement strategies through consistent evaluation and assessment.
Community Outreach Specialist Lead
Connecticut Department of Public Health/AMN Healthcare– Hartford, CT | 1 year
Designed and led a specialized team of contact tracers within the State of Connecticut contact tracing team focused on improving health equity outcomes in BIPOC, LGBTQ and other socially vulnerable communities within 11 high SVI cities and towns across the state during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Selected accomplishments:
• Created a customized, community-centered contact tracing program to connect BIPOC, LGBTQIA+ and other socially vulnerable residents to community resources through local health departments, state Community Health Workers (CHWs) and Community Action Agencies (CAAs) that improved health outcomes by 37%.
• Created community-centered mission statement for both contact tracing and vaccine rollout programs. Aligned all operational/programmatic activities to mission.
• Identified and recruited team members from high SVI, under resourced BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ and other socially vulnerable communities.
• Created evaluative and assessment tools for workforce development and retention using peer-to-peer feedback, team led best practices and culturally relevant implementation tools.
• Successfully executed ongoing, online trainings and presentations for staff, community residents and business leaders on COVID-related issues.
• Implemented communication model using health disparities data to increase coordinated stakeholder engagement.
• Designed the reorganization of the Community Outreach Specialist team's pivot from specialized contact tracing to vaccine rollout.
• Created contextually relevant timelines, set measurable targets, created team organizational chart for contact tracing and vaccine rollout to provide customized care for Connecticut residents.
• Created partnership with Hartford Healthcare health equity team to increase vaccination success in high SVI communities across Connecticut.
• Developed and implemented outreach strategies using new and emerging trends in accessing resources and combatting hesitancy in socially vulnerable communities.
Program Facilitator
Council for World Mission – Pulau Ujong, Singapore | 2 years
Worldwide partnership of 32 Christian churches dedicated to protecting human dignity, poverty eradication, dismantling ideologies of supremacy and abating climate change.
Developed and executed program with Equal Justice Initiative and local BIPOC communities to create global initiatives to dismantle white supremacy in member nations. Created global campaigns designed to eliminate white supremacy and create unbiased structures in the 32 countries of the CWM. Assessed the Legacies of Slavery Hearings, synthesizing firsthand historical experiences of descendants of U.S. enslavement, creating linkages to the larger global context of colonial, white supremacist economic, social, cultural, and political structures.
Project Manager
Floral Fusion, Birmingham, AL | 1 year
Florist for the city and county transit authority
Successfully met all scope, cost, integration milestones using Agile approach to adaptive and dynamic changes, incorporating feedback from all stakeholders for the Birmingham Jefferson County Transit Authority floral project for community renovation re-launch.
History Instructor
United Church of Christ – Atlanta, GA | 4 years
Socially liberal mainline Protestant Christian denomination.
Cultivated a socially and culturally relevant history curriculum as part of a national program for alternative ministry certification.
Project Manager
Birmingham Civil Rights Institute (BCRI) – Birmingham, AL | 1 year, 10 months
A cultural and educational research center, affiliated with the Smithsonian Institution, that promotes the comprehensive understanding for the significance of civil rights developments in Birmingham.
Executed the 50th Anniversary of the Children’s Crusade Event, “Youth, Activism, and the Struggle for Human Rights” through partnerships with community leaders, youth leaders, and teachers with the largest most diverse participation in the history of the institution.
Selected accomplishments:
• Accelerated the number of student participants by 25%.
• Capitalized on media strategies/campaigns for the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute program resulting in a 30% increase in community participation.
• Achieved an increase in online participation by 50% through a multi-level media strategy.
Education Manager
The Birmingham News – Birmingham, AL | 6 years
The principal newspaper in Central Alabama with a circulation of 100,000 in 15 counties.
Generated student-centered academic content leading to increased numbers of participating schools by 30% through effective relationship building and communication with teachers, city council members, businesses, and administrators.
• Created Advisory Board consisting of first adapters in teaching, administration, media and local businesses to identify and track emerging trends in education.
• Bolstered teacher involvement by 70% through the implementation of teacher and administrator training via workshops and presentations on socially and culturally relevant content.
• Amplified the number of Birmingham City School student’s participation by 47%.
• Planned and executed outreach increasing the number of Birmingham City School student’s participation by 47% through outreach strategies.
Advocacy/Education Manager, Global Ministries, Indianapolis, IN
Associate to the General Secretary, United Congregational Church of Southern Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa
History Instructor, Miss Porter’s School, Farmington, CT
Community Experience
Committee Member, The United Church of Christ, Health Equity Team, Hartford, CT
Integrated Healing Facilitator, Spottswood African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church – New Britain, CT
Board Member, Taste of the Caribbean & Jerk Festival, Hartford, CT
Committee Member, Hartford Jazz Festival, Hartford, CT
Emory University — Atlanta, GA
Master of Divinity, Concentration in Latin American and African Theologies of Liberation
University of Virginia — Charlottesville, VA
Bachelor of Arts Degree in International Relations, Emphasis in Africa and Latin America
Instituto Universario, ISEDET— Buenos Aires, Argentina
Latin American Liberation Theology and History, Semester Program
Other Experience/Awards/Publications