Shubhangi J
Business/Data Analyst
I have almost 5 years of work experience with India’s leading construction firm.A highly motivated, organized, results-focused business systems analyst . Brings a detailed eye to gathering requirements and an understanding of the business objective to ensure systems are built to enhance compliant workflow. Looking to assist with making all customer interactions pleasant and satisfying.
Key Skills & Competencies
-Agile and waterfall development
-Detail orientated and decsion maker to improve business outcomes
-Analaytical skill
-Project Mangement and Documenation work
- Requirements gathering, vetting, and documentation
-presenation and customer coordination, Excellent communication and teamwork skills
-Post Graduate Certification in Data Analystics skill- Python, sql, Power BI, Tableau.
-Post Graduate certification in Business Aanlysis- SQL, power BI, Tableau
Professional Experience
Ajinkatata Enterprises , Mumbai India
Project Engineer (2 Years)
-Project coordination and site execuation acitvity handling.
-Detailed Administrative work related to project Documentation
-Dealing with sub-contarctor on material, price negosiation,making pusrchase order, invoice., material list.
-serachning for new contractor , material , vendors and handling project , make material and resources avaiable on the time on site.
-Detail analysis of site activity , check work completion or time or delay in project.
-Handling Project Document contract, lisioing work, changes in contract or legal documenation.
J kumat Infra Project-Mumbai India
ERP Engineer (1.5 years)
-Area of operational Expertise in ERP, Updating all site expenses, requirement budget and cash flow, analysis on budget, actual site requirement on cash flow, resources and contractor billing.
-Update vendor contractor material ,Bill,poand analysis on material,budeget,resourses. by weekly and montly basis.
-Presenting report to head.
-Deatils Analysis work on budget .
Collier(synergy property developer) Mumbai India
Documenation Controller-( 1 year)
-Detailed Administrative work related to project Documentation effective and efficient documentation work.
-Timely and accurate data entry and scanning of risk documentation onto all systems within agreed service levels.
-Attend meeting and preparation of MOM, attending client and contractor meeting -
-Making chnages in purchase order,change order, Request for propsal (RFI).
-Coordination between client and contractor.
-Drawing from project starting phase to all contract reviewing, updateing details, coordination with contractor and client.
-Handling "ASITE" Cloud based software. updates all drawing , documenation on site.
Larsen& Toubro ( L&T)
Mangmenet Traniee (Internship) -( 3 Month)
-Department of planning and Billing
Analysis on site execution, material, Resources, Contractor Billing and invoices. Detail study of project execution.
Community Experience
volenteer work at Hartford Adult Education Center- student /Volenteers at summer activity .
Bachelore of Engineering Mumbai University.
Post Gradute Infra-Structure Finance & Development.(MBA) - NICMAR University pune.
Post Graduate Cerificate in Data science. careerera
Post Gaduate Certification Business Analystic. Purdue University.(Simplilearn)
Other Experience/Awards/Publications
Fist-AID Certificate
software testing certificate